Friday, August 21, 2009

for tyleroakley

Swing Tree/discovery
Daniel (Death Metal Disco Scene Remix)/bat for lashes
Burial (Benny Blanco Remix Feat. Neon Hitch)/miike snow
Little Secrets/passion pit
Fortune Teller/forest fire
Drugs In My Body/thieves like us
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt. 2/my morning jacket
Carmensita/devendra banhart
The Devil's Crayon/wild beasts

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Comic Con

Oh shit son! I never use this thing but I think Comic Con weekend is the PERFECT way to get back into the blogging groove.

I headed down to SoCal with my friends on wednesday at "way to fucking early" o'clock. We sang we played road trip games we discussed how I am the expert/go to girl about all things bitches and hoes related.
Arrived. Got settled in the tiny hotel. Went out for pretty good pizza. Invented the "sly five" with Megan. Then dropped a couple of the friends off at the preview night for four day pass holders then prepared for the next day. Thursday was all about getting used to the amount of people and booths and nerdiness there was. Went to the Chowder, Flapjack, and Adventure time ( panel. It's crazy to see Thurop, the creator and voice of flapjack, actually sound like flapjack but look more like a lumber jack. Pen Ward the creator of Adventure Time had been tweeting all month about wanting to have some kind of beach part BBQ after the panel. He chose a location the day before and after the panel was over the gang and I headed on down. We found fellow nerds there via are fake sword weilding and shouts of "ADVENTURE!" I want to say that like 50 people were there maybe. It was super chill. We got a fire pit, Pen brought 10 pizzas, our new friend Nate from Santa Monica brought beer (though the WORST beer I had ever drank), silent football was played, jokes were made, art was exchanged, and sand found its way into everything. Hearing the voice of Flapjack say regular/drunk things is pretty hilariou BTW.

Friday was all about The Mighty Boosh. Megan got in ninja quick to get her and I some Comic Con exclusive Boosh T-Shirts from the BBC America booth. (THANK YOU MEGAN!!) We waited in line for the signing at the Adult Swim booth for HOURS!!! When people began to arrive and kind of take over our place we (I) got a lil vocal on how I was willing to inflict physical harm on anyone who got i the way of the group I was in or the people who I had seen waiting around just as long. Of course we made into the line and way up front as well. Made it onto the Boosh DVD twitter ( Got to meet the boosh got my boosh book signed. Then it was off to the room where they were to have their panel in a couple hours. Sat through some other panels just to no lose my spot. The panel was incredibly entertatining. I felt bad for the Adult Swim guy who was trying to head the panel because he just had no control over the cast. They tangent a lot and you could tell the guy was trying to get the questions in but it just wasn't in the cards. That night was the Boosh DJ set at 4th and B. While in line we met Tobby who was filiming for the DVD. He thought the line was too short and we explained it was too early and that he should relay the message that a San Francico show would be GREATLY appreciated. He came back out 40 minutes later and came back up to us to express how happy it made him that the line was longer. We are now his fanclub. I got hug raped by the Crack Fox since Bennett is a jerk-face. The crack fox literally said "I'm stepping in your foot so you can't get away!" UGHH!
The show was advertised as a DJ set but it was also an hour or their live comedy show and it was LIFE CHANGING lol. They did DJ at the end.

Saturday i slept all day and watched great movies on ABC family.
Sunday we went to Disney Land. I LOVE DISNEY LAND! We went on all the rides we could possibly want to. Megan and I did a lil bit of ditching during the Fantasmic show and went on secret train! and then some more rides. We also had the best Jungle Cruise guide during our ditching adventures as well. As a group (well bennett megan and I) decided to talk in a british accent all day. If and when we were asked where we are from we would be honest and say that we were from NorCal and we are faking it. This happened and the lady who was asking didn't belive us and told us that we should be proud of where we were from lol.

We drove back yesteday and the trip was resonably enjoyable for an 8 hour drive.
I am not really happy to be back but I did miss home in some ways but can't wait for next year. Ugh i have no idea how next year is possibly going to top this year!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You'll Take Me Back

I forget about you blog. I know I said i wouldn't do this to you but I am a forgetful and at times selfish individual. I will try to pencil you in, somwhere around youtube and americanos. Boo you know you will always be the one for me but I got other social networks to please.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dan and I Made Badass Cookies

Dan and I wasted an entire day making the most ridiculous combination of cookies ever. It started with Dan texting me the day before asking if we could hang out and make teenage mutant ninja turtle cookies. Of course I agreed. I mean who could say no to that? With the left over dough is where the crazy began. I made Mighty Boosh stuff and the Daft Punk Album. Dan made some ridiculously gross things that I will not post here...maybe later. There are photos of it out there just not on here lol.

turtles and such THE TURTLESHITCHER BOOSH FACE digital
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Damn Girl

These are the goals for the day and if i can't accomplish these then there is no hope for me yet.

1.)get through work without complaining TOO much
2.)actually clean my room
3.)assemble my awesome desk
4.)organize magazines
5.)make a video!

I can do this, I only work until like 5:30 which gives me HOURS afterward to get everything else done. I CAN DO THIS I CAN DO THIS I CAN DO THIS!
Alright DAMN enough of the pep rally.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh Okay

Work was tiring. Selling elderly people technology wears you out believe me. I have about an hour before i have to go to Danny boy's birthday dinner so what better way to spend it than updating my blog? (How about finishing your room Erin, that would be productive) Seriously my inner voice needs to mind it's own business. Cleaning < Blogging. Its science.

Oh gee wow I am looking grrreat right now, should have showered at least but didn't have time to recontrust myself after said shower and get to the dinner. This is underwhelming.

I have ideas to vlog about so that's really all I wanted to post.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm Doing This!

I have had this blog for almost a year now and I have not posted a single thing in it. What up with that? Well I have another blog, that I have had for almost 5 years now, that is what is up with that. But I like the layout of this one and I also would like to have one to attach to my youtube account and such that isn't the one my IRL friends follow so I can keep those worlds separate. Which in retrospect (can it be retrospect if it was like 5 minutes ago?) is dumb because they follow my twitter, my youtube, my everything else so why start a new blog?

Done with that! I start a new blog when I WANT to start a new blog damn it. Thats the way I run my life! Never looking back, spell checking only once, middle finger to grammar and all of it's rules! I bet you are impressed, huh? It's cool I'm used to general awe being sent my way. LOL.