Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm Doing This!

I have had this blog for almost a year now and I have not posted a single thing in it. What up with that? Well I have another blog, that I have had for almost 5 years now, that is what is up with that. But I like the layout of this one and I also would like to have one to attach to my youtube account and such that isn't the one my IRL friends follow so I can keep those worlds separate. Which in retrospect (can it be retrospect if it was like 5 minutes ago?) is dumb because they follow my twitter, my youtube, my everything else so why start a new blog?

Done with that! I start a new blog when I WANT to start a new blog damn it. Thats the way I run my life! Never looking back, spell checking only once, middle finger to grammar and all of it's rules! I bet you are impressed, huh? It's cool I'm used to general awe being sent my way. LOL.

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