Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dan and I Made Badass Cookies

Dan and I wasted an entire day making the most ridiculous combination of cookies ever. It started with Dan texting me the day before asking if we could hang out and make teenage mutant ninja turtle cookies. Of course I agreed. I mean who could say no to that? With the left over dough is where the crazy began. I made Mighty Boosh stuff and the Daft Punk Album. Dan made some ridiculously gross things that I will not post here...maybe later. There are photos of it out there just not on here lol.

turtles and such THE TURTLESHITCHER BOOSH FACE digital
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Damn Girl

These are the goals for the day and if i can't accomplish these then there is no hope for me yet.

1.)get through work without complaining TOO much
2.)actually clean my room
3.)assemble my awesome desk
4.)organize magazines
5.)make a video!

I can do this, I only work until like 5:30 which gives me HOURS afterward to get everything else done. I CAN DO THIS I CAN DO THIS I CAN DO THIS!
Alright DAMN enough of the pep rally.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh Okay

Work was tiring. Selling elderly people technology wears you out believe me. I have about an hour before i have to go to Danny boy's birthday dinner so what better way to spend it than updating my blog? (How about finishing your room Erin, that would be productive) Seriously my inner voice needs to mind it's own business. Cleaning < Blogging. Its science.

Oh gee wow I am looking grrreat right now, should have showered at least but didn't have time to recontrust myself after said shower and get to the dinner. This is underwhelming.

I have ideas to vlog about so that's really all I wanted to post.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm Doing This!

I have had this blog for almost a year now and I have not posted a single thing in it. What up with that? Well I have another blog, that I have had for almost 5 years now, that is what is up with that. But I like the layout of this one and I also would like to have one to attach to my youtube account and such that isn't the one my IRL friends follow so I can keep those worlds separate. Which in retrospect (can it be retrospect if it was like 5 minutes ago?) is dumb because they follow my twitter, my youtube, my everything else so why start a new blog?

Done with that! I start a new blog when I WANT to start a new blog damn it. Thats the way I run my life! Never looking back, spell checking only once, middle finger to grammar and all of it's rules! I bet you are impressed, huh? It's cool I'm used to general awe being sent my way. LOL.